
From Latvian Surname Project
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Map of attested locations

Surname: Lācis

Origin: Latvian

Meaning: Bear

Old Spellings: Lahz, Lahze, Lahzis, Lahzs, Laaz, Lahtze

Cyrillic Spelling: Лацис

Handwritten Cyrillic: To be added

Variations and Alternate Spellings: Lāce, Lacis, Lace

Related Surnames: Lāčgalva, Lācītis, Upeslācis

Possible place name borrowing? Yes

Attested Locations: Bauņi*, Braslava, Ceraukste, Drusti, Durbe, Galgauska*, Gatarta, Ipiķi, Kārķi*, Lāde, Limbaži, Mazsalaca, Meirāni, Omuļi*, Pāle, Praviņi, Sāviena*, Sēļi, Sidgunda, Suntaži, Taurupe*, Trapene, Vidriži, Zeltiņi

Famous individuals with this surname: Unknown