Picking up where we left off last week, talking about ancient names for Latvian territory – and now we’re moving into the Middle Ages, and then medieval and early modern eras! After the German crusaders invaded and gradually conquered the
28th Edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy
Welcome, everyone, to the 28th edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy! This month’s topic was War Stories. J.M. of Tracing My Roots, in the post The Effects of War, describes the lingering effects of war after
Tombstone Tuesday – Cemetery of Non-Existent Cemeteries
Another slightly unusual “Tombstone Tuesday”. Today I’m deviating somewhat from the “Latvian” part of this blog, because what I came across here while visiting Gdansk, Poland, really spoke to me. This is the memorial stone at the “Cemetery of Non-Existent