No new puzzle today, Aila is taking the day off for every Goth’s favourite holiday – Halloween! Now, Latvia doesn’t strictly speaking celebrate Halloween, but there are a number of Latvian pagan traditions that do mimic this holiday – most
T is for Tartu
So again, the Family History Through the Alphabet challenge has the name of a city that is not in Latvia. But this time it is closer to home – Tartu is a city in Estonia, which, at the time of
Latvian Cemetery Culture
The title of this post may seem a bit odd to most readers – how is there a culture revolving around cemeteries? In Latvia, cemeteries (“kapi” or “kapsÄ“tas”) are a very important part of life. Great care is taken to
Early Days in Canada
[This post was written for the 30th edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy on the topic of “Arrival in New Lands”, hosted by Al of Al’s Polish-American Genealogy Research.] All four of my grandparents came to