In this series, I am providing pictures of tombstones from Latvian cemeteries, all with death dates prior to 1945. I do not have any further information on the people mentioned.
Photo taken by me, October 2012. Click to enlarge.
Name: MiÄ·elis VÄ«ksne, born October 10, 1839, died October 10, 1915
Bottom Inscription: “Es esmu augÅ¡amcelÅ¡anÄs un dzÄ«vÄ«ba, kas tic uz mani jebÅ¡u tas bÅ«tu miris, tas dzÄ«vos.” – JÄņa ev.11.25
(“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” (John 11:25))
Location: Meža kapi, Rīga
Tombstone Tuesday – MiÄ·elis VÄ«ksne, 1839-1915