Third installment from the diary of my great-grandfather’s sister Alise, written during the First World War, just a few miles from the front lines of the Eastern Front. For the background, see here.
July 7, 1915
We are all very worried, since we need to prepare to evacuate and flee if the government so directs. People from Kurzeme have already partially cleared out. When leaving their dear farmstead, everyone has to destroy the fields, all of their property, and take to the road, to an uncertain future. Terrible! In time we won’t have it any better. Now we’ve settled in, we’re not lacking anything, but now we’ll have to leave everything, and leave it to be destroyed. What can we bring with us? What with our small children, my Dagiņa, there will barely be a drop of milk for the child. My heart tires – best not to think about it.
Oh you can feel for Alise, the realisation of what is to come, where did she draw her inner strength from?