There quite a number of people interested in Latvian genealogy, but there is no Latvian genealogical society.

Until now!

If you’re interested in helping start up the Latvian Genealogical Society, please go and read this page on my main site, and send me an email!

I’ve also revamped my website layout, hopefully it is easier to follow now. If I’ve made a goof somewhere, do let me know.

Latvian Genealogical Society
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4 thoughts on “Latvian Genealogical Society

  • March 1, 2010 at 9:17 pm

    Hi, I have recently found that my family comes from Latvia (Riga) and not from Germany as we had thought. The surname that I have been surching is the “americanized” version of Pucce or Puke. My great great grandfather, John Bloom, came over about 1902, he was a cobler in Riga, through Ellis Island and set up a farm in Enfield, Massachusetts. He was born in 1869, his middle name begins with an F and he married Louise Suhna, also of Riga. But that is all that I have found. I’ve searched and everywhere else for records but I can’t find anything. If there is any way that you could help I would be very grateful.


  • March 1, 2010 at 10:21 pm

    Hi Wes,

    “PuÄ·e” means “Flower” in Latvian, so “Bloom” does appear to be an appropriate anglicization. If “John Bloom” was the American name he took, his Latvian name was probably “Jānis PuÄ·e”. The surname could also be “PuÄ·Ä«tis”, the diminutive form of “PuÄ·e” – diminutives are quite common, and often more common than non-diminutive forms.

    His wife’s surname, SÅ«na (Suhna would be the old German-style spelling, which was in use until the 1920s, so fits with the time period), means “moss”.

    Have you tried looking at Raduraksti ( You can view old Latvian church books there. Have you retrieved his US naturalization documents? These might provide more details as to where precisely he lived – especially vital for a large city like RÄ«ga. What religion was he? You will need to know this to make use of this resource. Once you know where precisely he lived in RÄ«ga, you may also be able to make use of the 1897 All-Russia Census, also available on Raduraksti. The census records are arranged by street name.

    Hope that helps!

  • April 5, 2010 at 9:01 am

    Thank you very much! I wasnt too sure if the last name Puke made sense but now I know it does.

  • August 4, 2010 at 7:58 pm


    My father in law, Paul Pretiz,was born in Boston. His parents, Bertulis Pretics and Marija Pretics (Peterkop/Alkschbirz) were from Talsie. They were inmigrants to US (Ellis Island and then Boston). I think Pretics surname is not a Latvian one. There are a few Pretics in Ogre but it seems to be a very small family. Can you tell me something about Pretics surname? Thank you!

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