If you're looking to post photographs of post-war Displaced Persons Camps, I would recommend going to DP Albums:
http://www.dpalbums.lv/index2.htmlThe website is currently only in Latvian, but non-Latvian speakers should be able to do some basic navigation there. The owner of the website is a colleague of mine, so I can ask her to see if we can get at least a basic English version of the page up.
For pre-Second World War Latvian photos, there is Zudusī Latvija:
http://www.zudusilatvija.lv/ - again only in Latvian, but it is administered by the Latvian National Library, and many of their other sites have English versions, so you can inquire with them (the "Kontakti" page) to see if they'll be setting up an English version there.