Where It All Begins…

by , under Introduction

She’s young. She’s tattooed. And she’s got the boots to break down any genealogy brick wall.


Meet the newest genealogy fiction heroine. She’s breaking down stereotypes about what means to be a genealogist. This twentysomething Goth will break down brick walls, unravel family mysteries and travel to the ends of the earth to do it.

But who is she?

You’re going to have to solve that puzzle yourself!

Modern technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, the way we interact and the way we tell stories. A story is no longer limited to the printed page. We live in an era where the click of a button can open up whole new worlds we never even knew existed.

So, your mission, should you choose to accept it and participate in this new storytelling experiment: Check out the first puzzle and solve the clues to find out our heroine’s name and personal story! Then come back next week to discover the first adventure that she will be embarking on. You can subscribe in the sidebar!